5 Things My Momma Never Taught Me

Black mother and daughter in silver church hats

Everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten — just kidding, I learned it from my mom. How to save money, how to deep clean my home, how to wash my clothes, etc., Queen Lis (my mom) taught me all of it. But she didn’t necessarily teach me ALL of it because, in hindsight, there are so many things she didn’t teach me.

Instead, I had to go out and face the world, young and naïve. And when I would become faced with new situations, I’d have to learn from experience (and finally, a life lesson from mom) during the process.


Here are 5 things my mom never taught me:

1. How to cook

I know some people used to be in the kitchen underfoot, mixing the flour and cracking the eggs. Not me! So when I went to college and lived in my first suite-style dorm, I was forced to learn how to cook meals other than noodles and grilled cheese. 

Over the years, my mom has started to teach me how to throw down in the kitchen. And not just my mom, but the other moms in my life as well. In fact, my Honey (my mom’s sister) passed down her classic mac and cheese recipe to me. So, I’m partway there to hosting the holidays! 

2. About the birds and the bees

We all know that sex education in America is not the best, and that’s been passed down from household to household throughout the generations. Even my friends and my own mom have admitted to not learning about it from their mothers.

I’ve obviously learned about it by now, but I had to awkwardly call up Queen Lis, my older sister, or Dr. Google when I needed the inside scoop.

3. Your body changes like CRAZY in your 20s and 30s and 40s

Now, this one hit me like a ton of bricks – I cannot count the times I thought something was so wrong with me. Turns out, your body changes drastically every 2 to 5 years. And it doesn’t stop in your 20s — my older cousin told me that she was equally blindsided by the facial stubble that starts at 40.

I will admit, my mom gave me that puberty book (you know the one: The Caring & Keeping of YOU) when I was 11 or 12… but that info hasn’t been entirely helpful for the last 10 years or so.

4. She was a person before she became just my mom 

Learning about your mom’s life before she had you is so intriguing – so if she hasn’t shared any stories yet, I’d def use this Mother’s Day to share a little tea.

Hearing about her first time getting drunk and her most embarrassing (and scandalous) secret has made me feel normal and more open with her. Side note: Lisa was surely out there living her best life!

5. She knows best

I’ll admit, my mom tried to teach me this one… but it’s something you simply have to learn over and over again. Because in the end, our moms have lived it, and they tell us these things from experience. Not just to be “mean” or controlling, but because they want what’s best.

But again, that’s a lesson she’ll let you learn on your own.


I feel so blessed to have a mom who has taught me so much and is always there to answer my questions as I’m still learning. But not just my mom but all the mothers in my life, from grandmas to aunts, and even older sisters —  who wanna act like they my momma but ain’t my momma…

Because moms come in all forms, not just biological. And I’m so happy for the village of strong mothers that raised me and taught me.

What are the things your mom didn’t teach you or taught you later in life when you wish you just already knew it? Let me know in the comments!


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